Students in grades K-5 will be released at 3:00 p.m. Please contact Karen Conner at for the password.ĭoors to the school open at 7:30 a.m. A signed transportation contract along with payment must be on file prior to your student riding the bus.Students transporting from the Hopkins school district are exempt from the transportation fee. The Academy currently charges a transportation fee of $300.00 per student with a family cap of $750.00 per academic year.Routes are established in a hub system with centralized locations along the routes for convenient pick up and drop off. Fourteen routes service the metro area.

Should you have a transportation issue either before the school office opens (7:30 a.m.) or after it closes (4:00 p.m.) please call the transportation company directly and speak with the dispatcher.

through your Silent Dismissal account.Įagle Ridge Academy partners with private transportation company Metropolitan Transportation Network (MTN) to provide transportation to and from school. The Academy reserves the right to make changes to routes that might affect the timing or location of bus stops.ĭo you want to change your child’s transportation from BUS to CAR PICK UP? For Grades K-5, you may make this change each day before 2:45 p.m. Additional changes to routes will be made only for safety concerns, not for convenience in location. Contracts received without payment will not confirm transportation and bus placements will not be reserved.ĪUGUST 1, 2023: Final routes will be published based on contracts received by July 1, 2023. Contracts and payments received after July 1, 2023, will be assessed a $50 per student late fee and transportation will not be guaranteed for the first day of school. Transportation Contracts from the 2022-23 school year will not carry over to the 2023-24 school year.

JULY 1, 2023: All families, new and returning, including those who used Academy-provided transportation for the 2022-23 school year must complete a 2023-24 Trans portation Contract and pay in full to guarantee transportation for the first day of school. on Tuesday, June 6, with school and transportation company managers to provide feedback regarding routes. Eagle Ridge Academy will host a Transportation Meeting at 5:00 p.m. JUNE 1, 2023: Initial routes will be published. Initial routes will be built using data from students currently using Academy-provided bus service, data from Transportation Change Request Forms, and data from all new students who have requested transportation upon enrollment for the 2023-24 school year. MAY 15, 2023: Building of initial routes. Contracts and/or payments received after July 1 will be assessed a $50 per student late fee and students will be added to transportation as space allows. Signed transportation contracts with full payment must be submitted by July 1, 2023. Once the completed contract is signed and the full payment is received, your child will be assigned a bus route. We are unable to guarantee transportation for your child(ren) if the Transportation Contract and full payment are not received by July 1, 2023. Transportation contracts for 2023-24 will be available on the Academy’s website on June 1, 2023. For questions regarding transportation, please contact Karen Conner, Operations Manager, at Academy offers a hub transportation system with centrally located stops within communities and does not guarantee a stop within walking distance of your residence. In order to build the best routes, formally communicate the routes, receive feedback from families, and finalize the published routes, we need your timely participation.
Eagle Ridge Academy is happy to announce there will be no increase in transportation fees for the 2023-24 school year. Transportation planning for 2023-24 has begun.